big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»

I’ll be in the city of Nice in the south of France in 1 week and in that city, they make the famous and huge “pan bagnat” sandwich, filled with so many different things, so I’ll retest and analyze a few and report back with the recipe in 2 weeks, but in the meantime, here’s my recipe for the making these large round breads buns !

These round breads are simple to make but require space, for rising and for baking, because they’re quite large, measuring from 15cm to 20 cm in diameter and about 4 cm or 5 cm high.

If you look carefully at the pictures, I’ve shown you 2 versions, one where all 6 buns are allowed to rise together and bake together, but they rise less and stick to another and are much denser and right after, I show you the better version, where you regroup only 2 buns at a time, for the rising and baking and they become much larger and rounder and fluffier.

The added seeds are a personal fancy, but I like it that way, sometimes just on the top and sometimes with some added seeds inside the dough.

Usually the “pan bagnat” sandwich uses day-old or staler bread so feel free to make these in advance and freeze them and then take them out 1 or 2 days before making the sandwiches, but wait until I get back from Nice and I’ll publish the sandwich recipe too.

I used to go to Nice very often for fun, but it’s been many years now, so I hope going back for work, will be just as fun and delicious … :)

big sandwich bread buns (with seeds) for «pan bagnat»


6 x 125 grams each


  • 500 grams (4 cups) strong white bread flour (or ¾ white + ¼ wholewheat)
  • 330 grams (1 ¼ cups + 1 ½ tbsp) warm water (or ½ water + ½ partly-skim milk)
  • 10 grams (2 tsp) sugar
  • 10 grams (2 tsp) dry active or instant yeast
  • 10 grams (2 tsp) sea salt 
  • 25 grams (1 tbsp + 1 tbsp) olive oil
  • 25 grams (2 tbsp) mixed dried seeds (sunflower, squash, flax, sesame, poppy)


  • in a small bowl, combine the warm water (and milk if using) with 2 tsp of sugar and 2 tsp of flour, whisk, then add the yeast and wait 15-20 minutes until it gets frothy
  • add the yeast mixture to the flour, stir with a wooden spoon, compress into a ball, inside a bowl, and let sit for 30 minutes at room temperature
  • remove the ball of dough from the bowl and place onto an oiled surface (use 1 tsp of oil at a time), sprinkle the dough with the 2 tsp of salt, on both sides and knead with oiled hands (another 1 tsp) for several minutes and then let rest in the mixing bowl for 30 minutes and knead again on an oiled surface and with oiled hands (using 1 more tsp of oil)
  • place the oiled ball of dough inside a bowl and let it sit in a turned off oven with the drip pan below it (but not touching the bowl) filled with hot tap water and let the dough rise from 75–90 minutes until doubled in size
  • fill a small flat bowl with the seeds to coat the top half of each of the 6 balls of dough
  • remove the dough from the bowl, knead it again (use 1 tsp of the 2nd tbsp of olive oil) and separate into 6 equal balls (about 145 grams each) and roll into round balls, oil each and place one by one, inside the bowl with the seeds to cover the top half with seeds and set aside on a sheet of baking paper (you can cut smaller square sheets of baking paper for each ball of dough, to handle them and transfer them more easily, if letting them rise and baking them separately in a large baking dish with a lid)
  • place the balls of dough back inside a turned off oven, inside a baking dish with a lid and with a drip pan filled with hot tap water under it and let the balls of dough rise for another 40-45 minutes and remove from the oven
  • *note : if you place all 6 balls of dough together, they will expand less and stick to one another, it is preferable to make them rise and to bake them  two buns at a time and separately …
  • preheat the oven to 230°C for 15 minutes
  • place 2 balls of dough at a time inside a baking dish with a lid and bake for 14-15 minutes, then remove the lid and bake for another 2-3 minutes
  • remove and let them cool down on a rack before using for sandwiches and/or storing or freezing for later.
  • *note : once baked, the bread buns should measure 15 cm in diameter and 5 cm high …