my «pan bagnat» sandwichmy «pan bagnat» sandwichmy «pan bagnat» sandwichmy «pan bagnat» sandwichmy «pan bagnat» sandwichmy «pan bagnat» sandwichmy «pan bagnat» sandwichmy «pan bagnat» sandwichmy «pan bagnat» sandwich

A huge sandwich, made with a big round bread bun, stuffed beyond comprehension, with a filling of tuna flakes, slices of boiled egg, tomato, green pepper, scallions, radishes, artichoke heart, celery, with broad beans, olives, anchovies, grated tomato pulp, olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic and basil leaves … it’s a “salade niçoise” in a bun !

How dare I propose “my” version !? Let me explain. This recipe isn’t for the proud citizens of Nice, who master and defend their heritage recipe with no outside interference being possible. But I just came back from Nice and I ate quite a few of these and analyzed and studied them too. So here I am, for all of “us” or the “others” who would like to try to reproduce it at home. This is my slightly reinterpreted version, and I hope you’ll try it one day.

PAN BAGNAT means soaked or bathed bread. It means that these breads, were basically filled/stuffed with all the ingredients of a SALADE NICOISE and they were better if the bread was a bit stale, to absorb any juices released by the ingredients. 

It was often prepared in advance, with part of the crumb scraped out, to make more space for the fillings and slathered with a spread to soften and flavor the sandwich. It is often weighed down and/or wrapped hours before to become softer and soggier (but I have an aversion to soft, soggy bread) so my version is modified, without wrapping, weighing down or being soggy and I also only scrape out some crumb, because I made these breads myself (see recipe here).

This sandwich combines different proteins, vegetables and aromatics, that are either soft, mushy, crunchy and crispy, all in one big bread wrapping.

Either way, it’s a delicious two-handed sandwich and a complete meal, that might get a bit messy as you try to eat it, but it’s definitely worth it … :)

my «pan bagnat» sandwich


2 sandwiches x 400 grams each


bread (for 2 sandwiches) : 

  • 250 grams (2 round 15 cm) pan bagnat bread buns (see recipe here), sliced in half (scrape out about ¼ cup or 25 grams each, of the inner crumb, per sandwich)

fillings (475 grams for 2 sandwiches) : 

  • 105 grams (¾ cup) smoked tuna flakes in oil (weight after straining)
  • 110 grams (2 whole) hard-boiled eggs, sliced
  • 90 grams (1 small) tomato, 8 medium slices
  • 75 grams (2 small) oil-packed artichoke hearts, sliced
  • 25 grams (¼ cup) green pepper, 8 thin slices
  • 25 grams (3 tbsp) green onion, thinly sliced
  • 15 grams (2 tbsp) broad beans, partly cooked
  • 13 grams (2 small) radishes, very thinly sliced
  • 10 grams (4 pitted) black olives, sliced in half
  • 5 grams (½ tbsp) celery, thinly sliced
  • 2 grams (4 large) fresh basil leaves

sandwich spread (125 grams for 2 sandwiches) : 

  • 60 grams (1 small or 4 tbsp) grated tomato, without the skin
  • 45 ml (3 tbsp) olive oil
  • 10 ml (2 tsp) red wine vinegar
  • 8 grams (4 whole) salted anchovies, finely chopped
  • 2 grams (½ tsp) garlic, crushed
  • 2 grams (½ tsp) sea salt
  • 1 gram (¼ tsp) black pepper


  • you can use other breads for this recipe (but nothing too soft) but if you’d like to make your own, see the “pan bagnat” bread bun recipe here and make them in advance and refrigerate or freeze what you won’t use, in freezer bags
  • prepare all the ingredients and set them aside separately, at room temperature
  • to make the spread, combine all the spread ingredients together and set it aside
  • when ready to assemble the sandwich, scrape out part of the softer crumb of the top half and a little bit of the bottom half of the bread buns (to make more room for the fillings) and brush with the spread on the bottom half and top half too
  • start layering the other ingredients inside, in which ever manner seems more reasonable and balanced and then put the top half of the bread on top and compress it all gently, so it all holds together
  • you can wrap the sandwiches up and refrigerate them for the next day or simply weigh them down or neither of the above and eat the sandwich soon (wait at least 15-30 minutes) after assembling, so the flavors meld together.